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[E] SGT Fenix
[E] SGT Fenix
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over 13 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Bleh, the data center strikes again!
over 10 years ago
@10125604 wrote: Username: PilbowZortox Specialties-(Building, redstone, pvp etc, ty to choose just one! two max!): Mindless Labor, Repetitive Building Reason for joining Vault 111: Fallout 3 is my second favorite game of all time, Minecraft being my first, and to help combine those two would absolutely amazing. Thank you for considering me to be a part of this incredible build! You have been accepted into Vault 111! Your position is builder! Congrats!
over 10 years ago
@663711 wrote: Username: kutha1 Specialties: Building, designing Reason: I need something to do Congratulations Kutha and patch! you start today as official workers in vault 111! positions are as follows: Patch324: Chief security officer Kutha1: Builder/gatherer
over 10 years ago
LOL i remember the gary's, creepy and funny xD
over 10 years ago
Both accepted! Slurth can be Mr. Handy, leron can be a builder/engineer
over 10 years ago